Women of Metal Radio Show 09/10/2022

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We had a BLAST last night during our “Bands Of Canada & United States Spectacular!” Please join Hosts Jayson Shell and Kent Bateman SATURDAY NIGHT (09/10/2022) for the Women of Metal Radio Show ONLY ON Insane Realm Radio!

Our Spotlight bands were Symphonic Metal Band (with touches of Thrash, Goth and Doom) from Sacramento, California USA Graveshadow and a Symphonic Power Metal Band from Riga, Latvia Crystal Gates!

We played tracks from @Delain, Blues Pills, Cold Kingdom, Shield of Wings, Kalah, The Great Discord, Cage Fight, Carpathia, Barbara Blck, Deep Sun, Spiral Skies, Diabulus in Musica, Xandria, HAZEN and many MANY More!

Showtime is Saturday at 8pm CDT, 9pm EDT,
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