Women of Metal Radio Show Epi 1400

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This past Saturday, December 03, 2022 (at 08:00pm), the gang at the Women of Metal Radio Show, on Insane Realm Radio, put on anothe stellar episode (technical gaffs aside).

Jayson and Kent featured bands like Anaria, Ruby the Hatchet, Dystopica, Swansong, Apolinara, Soraia, Imperial Age, Beautiful Skeletons, Illusions of Grandeur, Lost Sacrament, The End Of Melancholy, Evernoir and so MANY, MANY MORE!

The Spotlight shined BRIGHTLY on Carpathia, an Alternative/Progressive/Rock band from Boston, MA, USA AND Puzzle Tree, a rock band from South Wales, UK. By the way the spotlight on Puzzle Tree will be a recoded spotlight

PLUS Jayson chatted with Victoria Hove from the French Black Symphonic Metal band ETWAS

Showtime is Saturday at 8pm CST, 9pm EST, 2am GMT, 3am CET, 11am JST

Listen: https://insanerealmradio.com

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https://streema.com/radios/Insane_Realm_Radio_4 (mobile users can use the Simple Radio app, just click this link to be taken to Insane Realm Radio)