Tough On Fridays have announced their new album The Encore You Didn’t Ask For was released on on November 4 and is available for pre-order now via Archangel Records.
The Encore You Didn’t Ask For is the second full length album from the band, with A Fantastic Way To Kill Some Time being their first full length album that was released during the height of the pandemic. The first album was the sound of a band just starting to explore who they could be, The Encore You Didn’t Ask For, is the sound of a band sure in the knowledge of where they want to go and what they deserve for all the hard work to date.
Listen to’ Sink or Swim’
Alongside the usual learning curves and sonic development, they have navigated around all the usual obstacles that get thrown in the path of rising bands, from lineup changes to finding management and representation, to the general cut and thrust of getting noticed in the busy, shark-infested waters that are the music business.

But Tough On Fridays is a band that has always known where it wanted to go and found a way to get there. The focus never seemed to waver, and the goals were always evident. And now, having overcome all those challenges, they reap the rewards. And the first and most immediate of those rewards is seeing their second full-length album hit the public very soon.
And what an album it is. Tough On Fridays may have done its growing up in public, but hearing all of these great tunes in one place, not to mention the fact that the band hasn’t been afraid to rework older tracks so that they fit better alongside the newer songs, feels like the perfect justification. Justification of their hard work and the people’s belief in them along the way.
With their trademark, raw-edged alt-rock shot through with punk swagger, garage rock outsider vibes, classic traditions and no small amount of sonic smarts and deft song-writing, The Encore You Didn’t Ask For is a brilliant exercise in taking all the best bits of rock music past and present and forging them together into a sound that will take us into the future. And do so with one foot on the monitor and one fist in the air.
Stream/buy The Encore You Didn’t Ask For HERE
Over the past five years, Tough on Fridays has been turning heads and gaining throngs of fans for their ability to artfully smash together alt rock, indie, and grunge into their own brand of infectious, in-your-face rock ‘n roll.
Well-seasoned performers throughout the Texas music circuit, Tough On Fridays has come to be known for their enthusiastic live shows. Caleigh (guitar/vocals) and Carly (bass/vocals) along with studio/touring drummer Chris Schreck, connect to create an alluring energy that the music scene has not seen in many years.
A string of singles and EPs along with Tough On Friday’s full-length album ‘A Fantastic Way To Kill Some Time,’ provided raw emotions and a powerful modern grunge-rock sound.
In their short five-year history they’ve shared the stage with a musically diversified who’s who including He Is We, War Twins, Not Ur Girlfrenz, The Dollyrots, Pat Green, The Accidentals & Paleface and played venues and festivals throughout the south such as Stubb’s, Chop Shop, House of Blues, SXSW (Official Artist) and Carolina Indie Fest.